Stream A:加拿大畢業生
- 持有以下其中一種有效護照:
- 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區簽發的護照
- 英國簽發的英國國民(海外)(BNO)護照,且需在香港出生、歸化或登記為持有人
- 申請時及獲得永久居留權時,必須身體位於加拿大境內。
- 在加拿大擁有有效的臨時居民身份。
- 計劃居住在加拿大,且不包括魁北克省。
- 參加經認可的語言測試,並達到以下任一語言標準中的4項技能(閱讀、寫作、聆聽及口說)均為5級:
- 加拿大語言基準(Canadian Language Benchmarks,CLB)
- 加拿大語言能力等級(Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens,NCLC)
- 在申請前三年內,從加拿大的指定高等教育機構畢業,並取得以下其中之一:
- 至少兩年的課程文憑(非研究生或進階文憑)
- 學位(副學士、學士、碩士或博士學位)
- 至少一年課程的研究生或進階文憑或證書
Stream A: In-Canada graduates
To be eligible for this stream, you must
- hold a valid passport issued by one of the following:
- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
- United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas) as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong
- be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence
- have valid temporary resident status in Canada
- intend to live in Canada, in any province or territory other than the province of Quebec
- take an approved language test that shows you have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in English or French on one of the following scales:
- Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
- Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)
- have graduated from a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada
- in the 3 years before you apply
- with one of the following:
- a diploma (not graduate or postgraduate) for a program of at least 2 years
- a degree (associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral)
- a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate for a program of at least 1 year and
- with at least 50% of your program completed in Canada (either in person or online)
If you have a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate
You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree (from Canada or from abroad), as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program.
You must have competed this prerequisite diploma or degree in the 5 years before you started your graduate or post-graduate program.
Stream B:加拿大工作經驗
- 持有以下其中一種簽發的有效護照:
- 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區
- 英國國民(海外)(BNO),作為在香港出生、歸化或註冊的人
- 在申請時及獲得永久居留權時,身體需在加拿大境內。
- 擁有加拿大有效的臨時居民身份。
- 有意居住於加拿大,任何省或地區(魁北克省除外)。
- 參加認可的語言測試,並在以下任一標準中達到4項技能(閱讀、寫作、聆聽及口說)的5級成績:
- 加拿大語言基準(CLB)
- 加拿大語言能力標準(NCLC)
- 在申請前的三年內,於加拿大至少工作滿12個月的全職工時,或等量的兼職工時。
- 在加拿大至少工作滿12個月的全職工時(每週30小時),或
- 在申請前的三年內,完成等量的兼職工時(至少總計1,560小時)。
Stream B: Canadian work experience
To be eligible for this stream, you must
- hold a valid passport issued by one of the following:
- Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
- United Kingdom to a British National (Overseas) as a person born, naturalized or registered in Hong Kong
- be physically present in Canada when you apply and when you get permanent residence
- have valid temporary resident status in Canada
- intend to live in Canada, in any province or territory other than the province of Quebec
- take an approved language test that shows you have a level 5 score in all 4 skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) in English or French on one of the following scales:
- Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)
- Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC)
- have worked in Canada for at least 12 months full-time, or an equal amount of part-time hours in the 3 years before you apply.
How to meet the hours of work requirement
To be eligible for this stream, you must have worked in Canada for
- at least 12 months full-time (30 hours per week) or
- an equal amount of part-time hours (at least 1,560 hours in total) in the 3 years before you apply.
- If you’re working part time, you can’t count more than 30 hours per week towards your total number of hours. This is because 30 hours per week is considered full time, not part time.
You must have been allowed to work legally in Canada for these hours to count. This means you either had a valid work permit, or you were exempt from needing a work permit.
You can’t include any hours of work that you spent
- as a full-time student
- self-employed
- working outside Canada
- on leave from your job (medical, parental or similar)
- on an extended absence outside Canada
- unemployed