Manitoba is located in south-central Canada, one of the three Canadian Prairie Provinces, and the capital is Winnipeg. Manitoba has an area of approximately 650,000 square kilometers and a population of approximately 1.2 million. The climate of Manitoba is continental, with four distinct seasons, and has the reputation of “Canada’s Sunshine Capital”. The main industries of Manitoba are manufacturing, agriculture, processing, and service industries. Manitoba has a business environment that can match anywhere in the world.
A well-educated workforce, competitive business costs and taxes, and a well-developed transport, communications and innovative infrastructure are all of Manitoba’s economic success.
MPNP requirements
1. Net Asset: Must be at least CAD 500,000
2. Management experience:Management experience at least 3 years in the past 5 years . [including managerial role , shareholders as well as business owners]
[Applicants must play a decisive role in at least 2 of 11 aspects including procurement, sales, marketing, investment, finance, human resources, research and development, information technology management, quality control, production/operations/project management, and distribution. Identified as an executive ]
3. Language Proficiency ( level of proficiency of at least benchmark level 5 in either official language for all four language skill areas, as set out in the Canadian Language Benchmarks and the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens.
4. EOI Point Based System Met
5. Entrepreneurship requirements: invest at least CAD250, 000 in Winnipeg, or at least. CAD 150,000 in other parts of Manitoba.
6. at least one job opportunity (non-relative relationship) must be created for Canadian citizens or permanent residents;
7. The applicant’s venture capital direction must be related to the past business management experience.
8. Age requirements for accompanying children: under 22 years old and unmarried (after the applicant is selected by the EOI, the time for submitting the formal application shall prevail);
9. The main applicant and spouse obtain a two-year working visa that valid for two years and their children obtain a student visa.
10. The main applicant must start a business, and the spouse can work in Canada.
Advantage of MPNP
- One-step Maple Leaf Card as Permanent Residence .
- Short period, 18-24 months to obtain permanent residency status
曼省創業移民 [MPNP for Business]
曼尼托巴省(Manitoba),簡稱曼省,加拿大一級行政區。草原三省之一(另外兩個是亞伯達省和薩克其萬省),也是加拿大人口第五多的省份,據估計約130萬人。曼尼托巴省占地649,950平方公里(250,900平方英里),地貌地形種類豐富。 該省東部毗鄰為安大略省、西部薩克其萬省,北部努納武特地區,西北部西北地區,南部美國北達科他州和明尼蘇達州。
曼尼托巴的省會和最大的城市是溫尼伯(Winnipeg ),同時也是省內人口最多的城市,是加拿大第八大人口普查區。 溫尼伯市是省政府、曼尼托巴立法議會和省法院所在地。 全省五所大學中有四所和四支專業運動隊都在溫尼伯。其東北郊的溫尼伯湖是加拿大境內第五大湖泊。目前的曼省省提名簽證 [Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)] 共分為兩類,包括技術類(MPNP for Skilled Worker)和商業類(MPNP for Business)。
曼省創業移民要求 ( MPNP for Business)
- 至少有35萬加幣的資產證明,資產包括房產和個人或是股份擁有的生意商業資產。35萬加幣是申請要求的最低門檻,可證明的淨資產越多,個人申請的評分就會越高。
- 至少3年的成功地自主經營企業或至少3年的企業高管的工作經驗
- 申請人需要分數超過60分
- 通過省提名官員的面試
- 在曼省進行合格的商業投資
- 與其家屬在曼省居住
- 隨行子女年齡要求:22歲以下且未婚
- 移民後投資最少15萬加幣經營企業(如果合夥要持股不低於1/3或不低於100萬加幣)
- 雇用最少一個當地全職員工
- 先批工作簽證,後取得楓葉咭,為永久居民簽證
- 營商成敗,不影響獲批的簽證狀態
- 無生意行業限制
- 移資額低
- 申請時間短,12-18個月