Australia is a stable and democratic society with a skilled workforce and a strong and competitive economy. Australia has a population of more than 24 million and a land area of 7.6 million square kilometers, ranking sixth in the world. It is the only country in the world that covers the entire continent. Australia is a multicultural society consisting of indigenous peoples and immigrants from about 200 countries around the world.
Subclass 188 _ Business and Innovation Visa Requirement:
• Minimum net assets of $1,250,000
• Owned a business with $750,000 annual turnover
• 65 points on business innovation and investment points test
• Functional English (or pay 2nd VAC)
• Under 55 (unless waived by nominator)
• Reside in Australia for at least one year
• Has access to an extension stream (for up to 2 years)
• Nominated by a State or Territory government
Subclass 888 _ Permanent Residence Visa Requirement:
1. Hold 188A visa for at least 3 years before you can submit your application for permanent residence
2. The main applicant or spouse of the 188A visa must continue to operate a business and participate in daily management within 2 years before submitting the application for permanent residence
3. 36 months before the application, have lived in Australia for more than 12 months.
4. In the 12 months before the application, the annual business turnover of the Australian company is over AUD 300,000
5. Owning shares in the Australian company. If the annual business turnover are between AUD 300,000 and 400,000, accounting for 51% of the shares; if the annual business turnover are above AUD 400,000, accounting for 30% of the shares
6. In the 12 months before submitting the application, applicant is required to meet 2 of the following 3 items:
(a) Net Assets in Australia above AUD 600,000;
(b) Invest more than AUD200,000 in business in Australia;
(c) 2 employees who is Australia permanent residence or Australia citizen
Note: If applying for Victoria (VIC) State nomination, the main applicant is required to have 5 points per IELTS;
And with a specific industry education or business background
- Age is subject to invitation from Homeaffair.
- In terms of English score, applicants must have the IELTS score when you submit the intention application, which is valid for 3 years.
- The patent/trademark must be closely related to the daily business and can be in the name of the company or the main applicant.
- Business background score: If the company’s sales are less than AUD 400,000, it must account for 51% of the shares; if it is more than AUD 400,000, it must account for 30% of the shares.
188類創業簽證 (Business Innovation and Investment Visa :Business Innovation Stream-188A)
188A類簽證(Business Innovation and Investment Visa – Business Innovation Stream)是針對具有營商背景,並且有意願在澳洲創業、管理生意的企業而設立的一種五年臨居簽證。此簽證對企業的營業額及投資金額要求不高,投資生意形式較為靈活。188A類申請人持簽證赴澳經營3年生意,滿足一定條件後便可申請888類永居簽證。目前是申請人數最多,成功率最高的一個簽證類別。
- 55歲以下或由政府豁免年齡要求
- EOI評分達到65分或以上
- 申請人及配偶擁有125萬澳元或以上淨資產,並於簽證批出兩年內轉入澳洲
- 在遞交申請前四個財政年度中的兩個完整財政年度內,持有一個或最多兩個企業股權,該企業(或兩個相加)在該兩年間年營業額達到75萬澳元
- 提供在澳洲的生意計劃書
- 有成功的經商背景,並且參與日常管理
- 被提名的企業能夠創造勞動崗位
- 持有188簽證
- 獲得州或領地政府提名
- 申請前兩年中,主申請人須在澳洲居住滿12個月以上
- 持有188簽證期間,擁有並經營在澳洲的企業滿三年
- 在申請永居前12個月,澳洲企業的年營業額達到30萬澳元以上
- (若該企業的年營業額達到30萬澳元以上,需要持股51%以上;若年營業額在40萬澳元或以上,需要持股30%以上;若是上市公司則需持股10%以上)
- 申請人須滿足以下三項條件的其中兩項 :
- 在澳洲持續擁有的生意淨資產達到20萬澳元或以上
- 申請時家庭總資產達60萬澳元
- 從申請前12個月起至少雇用兩名全職員工 (澳洲公民、永久居民或新西蘭護照持有人,家庭成員除外)
- 對申請人的英語沒有強制要求
- 對企業的營業額及投資金額要求不高投資生意形式較為靈活
- 可攜帶符合條件的家庭成員一同申請臨居,及往後的永居簽證
- 簽證持有者可自由往返澳洲
- 簽證持有期間,子女可免費就讀澳洲公立中小學
- 最快在經營生意兩年後便可申請永居