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Canada’s Start-up Visa Program targets immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build businesses in Canada that:

  • are innovative
  • can create jobs for Canadians
  • can compete on a global scale

Do you have an innovative business idea? If you can get support for your idea from one of the designated organizations, you may be able to immigrate to Canada.

You can apply for the Start-up Visa Program as an individual or as part of a group of up to 5 owners. Either way, you need to meet certain requirements:

Have a qualifying business

To qualify under this program:

  • each applicant must hold 10% or more of the total voting rights
  • applicants and the designated organization together must hold more than 50% of the total voting rights

If your application is successful, you need to

  • incorporate your business in Canada
  • provide active and ongoing management of your business from inside Canada
  • make sure an essential part of business operations happens in Canada

Get a letter of support from a designated organization

Designated organizations are business groups that have been approved to invest in or support possible start-ups.

You’ll need to

  • contact the designated organization to find out how to get its support
  • convince the organization you have a business worth supporting
  • get a letter of support from the designated organization

The organization will also send a commitment certificate directly to us. This is an immigration document used to evaluate your application.

Designated organization caps

Until December 31, 2026

Each calendar year, we’ll only be considering 10 complete group applications per designated organization. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you apply after the annual cap is reached, we’ll return your application and reimburse the processing fees.

Meet the language requirements

You need to take achieve Canadian Language Benchmark 5 in listening, reading, writing and speaking (English or French) to qualify for an SUV.

Your results need to be from a language test done by an approved agency.

Bring enough money to settle

The Government of Canada won’t support you financially as a start-up visa immigrant.

When you apply, you’ll need proof that you have the money to support yourself and your dependants after you arrive in Canada. You can’t borrow this money from another person.

The amount you need depends on the size of your family. We update these amounts every year.


加拿大聯邦企業家初創移民簽證 (Start Up Visa)

加拿大聯邦企業家初創移民簽證 (Start Up Visa) 為當地居民創造更多就業機會,並為經濟增長和提高全球競争力做出供獻。透過創業移民Start Up Visa 移民加拿大,適合想快速移民人士,門檻要求寬鬆,同時可居住在加拿大任何地方,多項優點集於一身令此計劃成為加拿大移民熱門方法之一。


加拿大Start Up Visa (SUV)的好處是可以直接獲得永久居留權。與傳統的移民項目相比,無需要事先獲得TRV(臨時旅行簽證)或工作許可。要想獲得申請資格,申請人只需擁有高中畢業或同等學歷,英語或法語達到CLB5級水平,無犯罪記錄,體檢合格,有創新的營商計劃。


  • 高中畢業或同等學歷
  • 英語或法語達到CLB5級水平
  • 申請人和家庭成員必須符合體檢要求
  • 申請人和家庭成員(18歲以上)必須符合沒有犯罪記錄
  • 證明有足夠創業資金(根據商業計劃)及定居費用 (Settlement Fund)
  • 創新的營商計劃
  • 申請人必須獲得「指定機構支持書」(Letter Of Support),才能提出永久居民申請。

由即日至2026年12月31日起,移民部已公告了多個已獲認可參與此計劃的「指定提名機構」(Designated Organization),每一個「指定提名機構」每年只可發出最多10封 「指定機構支持書」(Letter Of Support)。


  • 「育成機構」(Business incubators)                【本公司採用之方法】
  • 「創投基金」(Venture Capital Funds) 【投資 加幣$200,000】
  • 「天使投資人」組織(Angel Investor Group) 【投資 加幣$75,000】


申請Startup Visa加拿大創業移民的您可以在加拿大任何地方自由建立企業,只有魁北克省是唯一的例外。得益於其多功能性,加拿大為企業家和投資者提供的創業簽證不會將您束縛在特定的地點。

  • 如科技行業安大略省將是您在獲得加拿大企業家簽證申請後的最佳地點。
  • 如旅遊利業,不列顛哥倫比亞省擁有令人歎為觀止的風景。
  • 如喜歡小本創業,商業運營成本較低的小鎮,可以考慮新斯科舍省。


  • 一步到位取得楓葉卡, 永久居民簽證
  • 落地後無居住省份要求
  • 無資產要求
  • 無投資額要求
  • 無營業額要求
  • 無需創造就業機會
  • 只需具有創意的商業概念
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